Case Studies

What counts with sales campaigns for those on a budget are quick wins, genuine outcomes with results that impact the bottom line. That starts with Zoom/Teams or face-to-face meetings, appointments and on-line demonstrations. This can only come from relationship building and then warm lead generation, that creates opportunities for immediate action or future pipeline building.

The numbers we have achieved from a standing start for UK wide companies ranging from primary to secondary to tertiary sectors means we never lose a client for KPI reasons. Feel free to click on a case study in any of the following sectors.

Accounting (2 NDAs)ISO Consultants & certification
CCTV Security FireManufacturing
Creative agencies 3Pet Food
EducationTechnology solutions 
GrantsTelecoms  (3)
Industry Associations 2TV Production
Investor Relations 2 NDAs)Waste & recycling

We work nationally for clients with UK or  international locations connections & aspirations.

Towns & CitiesCounties
Exeter –


Professional services



Creative agency



International C -level training

Devon 1
Slough 3


Security Fire Alarm CCTV Fulfillment house, Environment & energy

Lincolnshire & Humberside


Training, full service creative agency, Manufacturer, Industrial cleaning ICT & telco, H & S, ISO

London 4


Accountancy, Investment &  Growth. ISO, financial sector. 

Thames Valley


Environment, fulfillment house (logistics), Accountancy x 2 ISO

Manchester (4)


Manufacturing body x 2, ICT & telco, ISO

Yorkshire 4


Technology, Software house, ICT & Telco, Creative agency

Leeds (4)


Technology, Software house, ICT & Telco, creative agency

 Kent 3


Accountancy.  investment & growth, ISO, TV production

Please feel free to call 01427 800048 to speak to a human being or email us to discuss your project at  neil @

Tele2market  proactive business development and telemarketing for Zoom teams or Skype meetings Yorkshire  Humberside London Lincolnshire  DN21. Case studies b2b external business development telemarketing support for wholesale, distribution  or service  business on-line demonstrations and appointment making  London Leeds Lincoln Manchester Birmingham