7 Telemarketing Case Study: Creative & Digital agency

The following telemarketing and business development case study is indicative of the results we have achieved for creative agencies and production companies  in Bedfordshire, Yorkshire and Kent based on one telemarketer calling.

Client: Cornwall
Sector Creative agency: Brand web and graphic design & Comms  – FMCG, B2B and B2C
Brief Grab any low hanging fruit  and build a pipeline of leads   for web design, digital creative, social media or content generation briefs and ppc seo campaigns between  £5k and £50k
KPIs Day 1 total  Day 3
Conversations 86 257
Quotes  booked 2 15
Opportunities  0-3 months 6 26
Future Pipeline (6-12 months) 7 47
Email click throughs to website 26 110
Client Decision After 3 days the MD was so impressed that the 4 day lead blitz was paid in full even though it was cut to three days. He had not taken leave of his senses rather “A £25 grand project does that”  leaving the client with  a new and unexpected but very welcome workload.  A further 3 month contract totaling 9 days was then awarded.   This year  will see 30 days given the company has grown to sufficient capacity to absorb the additional workload.

Take a look at all of our case studies 

Please feel free to call 01427 800048 to speak to a human being or email Neil to discuss your project at  neil@tele2market.co.uk